India GDP Growth LIVE | According to the chief economic adviser, a robust response the is expected from private sector in second half when global risks dissipate. Currently, global monetary tightening and risk of commodity prices going up pose challenges to economy, he added.
Managing the troika of growth, inflation, fiscal balance is a challenge for all economies, Nageswaran noted.
India Q4 GDP LIVE | Interest rates becoming normal need not be anti-growth move, the CEA said, adding that the central bank’s confidence to raise rates signal that "recovery is taking root".
The financial sector in far better health than before, and external sector has also improved, he further noted.
India Q4 GDP LIVE | Despite the sequential decline in Q4 growth, Chief Economic Adviser V Anantha Nageswaran said he "does not see a prospect of recession in India" in FY23. There is considerable momentum in economic activity as witnessed by GST numbers in April, the CEA added.
India Q4 GDP LIVE | Sequential growth was low due to Omicron wave in January, Chief Economic Adviser V Anantha Nageswaran said. The economy had grown by 5.4 percent in Q3 FY22, as compared to 4.1 percent in Q4.
India Q4 GDP LIVE | Stagflationary risks for India quite low compared to the rest of the world, said Chief Economic Advisor V Anantha Nageswaran. There is considerable momentum in economic activity as witnessed by GST numbers in April, he added.
India Q4 GDP LIVE | The gross fixed cap formation growth for FY22 came in at 15.8 percent, as against a contraction of 10.4 percent in FY21.
India Q4 GDP LIVE | Services sector grew at 8.4 percent in the March 2022 quarter, as compared to a contraction of 7.8 percent in the year-ago period. Industries grew at 10.3 percent during the quarter, as against a contraction of 3.3 percent in the corresponding period last year.
India Q4 GDP LIVE | "GDP at Constant (2011-12) Prices in Q4 2021-22 is estimated at ₹ 40.78 lakh crore, as against ₹ 39.18 lakh crore in Q4 2020-21, showing a growth of 4.1 percent," the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation said.
India Q4 GDP LIVE | Nominal GDP or GDP at Current Prices in the year 2021-22 is estimated to attain a level of Rs 236.65 lakh crore, as against Rs 198.01 lakh crore in 2020-21, showing a growth rate of 19.5 percent.
India Q4 GDP LIVE | Real GDP at constant (2011-12) prices in the year 2021-22 is estimated to attain a level of Rs 147.36 lakh crore, as against the first revised estimate of Rs 135.58 lakh crore for the year 2020-21, released on January 31, 2022, the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation said.
India Q4 GDP LIVE | The GDP growth rate estimate for FY22, at 8.7%, will mark India's highest real growth in at least 17 years for which comparable data is available. The country witnessed a negative growth of 6.6% in FY21 due to the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, which had derailed most sectors of the economy.
India Q4 GDP LIVE | Q4FY22 Growth In A Snapshot
FY22 GDP 8.7%
Agriculture 3%
Mining 11.5%
Manufacturing 9.9%
Electricity, Gas 7.5%
Construction 11.5%
Trade & Hotels 11.1%
Finance, Realty 4.2%
Public Admin 12.6%
India Q4 GDP LIVE | Don't see prospect of recession, sequential growth low due to Omicron wave, says CEA - Moneycontrol
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